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Crafted over a base of shea butter, sunflower oil and beeswax, this balm attracts the calming scents of vetiver, cedarwood, lavender, ylang ylang, and neroli. Designed to promote a sense of peace and grounding, this balm aids in creating a tranquil space for contemplation and relaxation.


Key Essential Oils:

  • Vetiver: Known for its grounding properties, vetiver helps stabilize the mind and body, promoting a deep sense of connection to the earth and oneself.
  • Cedarwood: With its warm, woodsy aroma, cedarwood is excellent for instilling a sense of calm and balance, enhancing the meditative experience.
  • Lavender: A symbol of relaxation and tranquility, lavender soothes the nerves and clears the mind, setting a peaceful tone for meditation.
  • Ylang Ylang: This exotic floral scent uplifts the spirit, encourages emotional release, and fosters an inner sense of joy and serenity.
  • Neroli: With its soothing citrusy aroma, neroli reduces stress and anxiety, facilitating a deeper, more introspective meditative state.


Application Methods:

  • Palm Inhalation: Warm a small amount of the balm between your hands, cup them over your nose, and take deep, slow breaths. The direct inhalation of the calming scents will prepare your mind and body for a restful night.
  • Acupressure Application: Enhance your bedtime ritual by applying the balm to specific acupressure points. The gentle pressure combined with the therapeutic scents can help to balance your body's energy and promote a deep sense of relaxation.


For more detailed information about these two methods of applying solid aromatherapy balms, as well as the specific acuppressure points for this balm, please consult our page


Should you have any questions or concerns, please consult with a trusted healthcare professional before using any essential oils or applying acupressure. Each person is different, and the way you react may be significantly different from other people. For precautions on the use of essential oils, please check our page


20 ml



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